The Cartier’s Le Nuage Perfume is the latest perfume we fell head over heels with. Check out its reviewe right here for the latest perfume, Cartier’s Le Nuage.
It is an Unidentified Scented Object
The vision of Cartier’s in-house fragrance nose Mathilde Laurent, Le Nuage Parfumé – aka the Unidentified Scented Object – is located at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. The scented object is in fact a cloud, a puff of perfume if you will.
Inside a glass cube sits a suspended spiral staircase with a floating cloud that hovers elegantly just below the ceiling. It looks abstract on first impression, almost an illusion until closer inspection when the texture of the cloud is clear to see.
It is a “heads in the clouds experience”
The real magic though is upon entering the cube and climbing the staircase, where you experience a real “head in the clouds” moment. Then it hits you, scent, as you step up to the summit of the staircase.
What is intriguing is that this is the first time you smell any kind of fragrance, as it’s absent when you enter the cube. But as you move into the cloud, a heady and hot but strangely crisp air hits you.
Designed by climate engineers
The environment of the cube is carefully controlled to keep the perfume stable and separate but sit harmoniously with the cloud – it’s a thing of technical beauty. The first in a commitment to annual olfactory experiences from Cartier, it sets the bar high, but for good reason.
This puffy white perfume cloud is the stuff of bathroom dreams. Like a chic atomiser, it would work perfectly in a powder room to keep the climate fragrant. We hope it’ll become a reality soon. And we hope we can get our hands on it as soon as possible.