9 Signs From Your Body You Should Never Ignore

Your body is a rather skilled juggler. Considering how much you put it through! Groceries in one hand, your dog in the other, and your phone precariously balanced between your neck and shoulder is nothing short of an amazing feat!

Now, while your body mostly doesn’t complain of all the rigors you subject it to, sometimes it is unable to keep up with the unusually fast pace of your life. Ergo, that feeling of sickness.

But you shouldn’t just pop a pill and dismiss that feeling of sickness as nothing more than a bump in the road. Treat it as a sign rather that there might be an underlying issue that you need to address as soon as possible. It’ll only help you get back on track!

Here are certain signs that your body displays, which you should never ignore!

1. Weight Fluctuations

1. Weight Fluctuations


While a stable weight that hovers within your ideal range of BMI is healthy, one that fluctuates too much is far from it. Sudden and unexplained weight gain (as well as loss) can indicate a serious medical condition or even mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. So, if you see that you cannot fit into your favorite pair of jeans, it’s time to analyze why.

2. Sleeping Troubles

2. Sleeping Troubles


Just like weight changes indicate mental health issues, so does sleeping troubles. Tossing and turning every night trying to catch some sleep in vain could again be a sign that you’re either too stressed out, anxious or even depressed. Moreover, if you suffer from insomnia, you could be suffering from tons of other health issues too! At this stage, a visit to the doctor is a must.

3. Mood Swings

3. Mood Swings


Is “happy one moment and extremely cranky the next” sound like you lately? If it does, you might want to find out what’s causing these regular mood swings. Is it the pressure at work? Or the loss of someone near and dear? Or is it something else entirely that’s been bothering you? Medical experts are of the opinion that mood swings can be caused by a variety of mental health as well as hormonal conditions. Knowing the cause of your crankiness is vital in fixing it.

4. Fatigue

4. Fatigue


Exhaustion after a long day at work is justified. But if you find yourself struggling through an ordinary day, it is a cause for concern. Constant fatigue that you cannot blame on anything can be caused by hormonal imbalances in your body, which when ignored can lead to more serious issues such as diabetes and heart disease

5. Constipation

5. Constipation


You thought the lack of fiber in your diet was the only cause of constipation, didn’t you? Well, that’s not always true! Irregular bowel movements can point to a number of serious health conditions, which need your immediate attention. Some of the more dire and possible causes of constipation include colon cancer, rectal cancer, bowel obstruction, and more.

6. Hair Loss

6. Hair Loss


You lose about to 50 to 100 strands of your hair each day, so don’t start panicking when you see a little bit of your hair on your comb. Start panicking only when you see lots of it! Hair loss, coupled with dry hair, can be indicative of the fact that your metabolism has slowed down and is not working the way it should. Besides, severe hair loss can also be induced by stress or the styling products you use

7. Development Of New Moles

7. Development Of New Moles


Everyone has some or the other birthmark or mole on their bodies and that’s usually not a problem. Problems arise only when you develop a new one out of the blue. Especially if you’ve been spending too much time under the sun. Since increased exposure to UV rays can put you at risk of skin cancer, you should have any new mole checked out to rule out the possibility of this deadly disease.

8. Sudden Appearance Of Rashes

8. Sudden Appearance Of Rashes


Just like new moles, unexplained rashes are pretty much bad news as well. And in this case too, those caused by the sun can prove to be particularly dangerous. Medical experts explain that rashes that develop on your chest, arms, and face can be the result of the interaction of the sun’s rays with either blood pressure or painkiller medicines in your system. Such rashes can also indicate diseases such as lupus.

9. Weak Nails

9. Weak Nails


Brittle nails that chip easily are something that you should look into as this is one of the major symptoms of problems with the thyroid glands as well as other internal diseases. Moreover, changes in the color or the texture of your nails should also be looked into as it could be a sign of fungal infections.

If you happen to notice even a single of these symptoms, pay attention to them and act quickly. Your body has done so much for you, it’s only fair you do something for it. So, make sure you do not ignore these symptoms despite your hectic schedule.
