5 Quick Tests That Can Reveal Your Health Problems

Today we have made so much progress in terms of technology and lifestyle. Yet, we have not been able to eradicate many health issues that affect us. And most of these illnesses – whether induced by age or a sedentary lifestyle, strike us stealthily, without giving much warning. And by the time we realise it, it is too late.

But if we are careful and aware enough, we can take control of our health rather easily. Here we give you a few tests and pointers that will help you analyse your health conditions effectively. Also, as a bonus, we will give you some handy remedies to treat a persistent headache!

1. Problems With The Eyesight

1. Problems With The Eyesight

Macular degeneration is presently the leading cause behind blindness, even more than glaucoma and cataracts combined (1). Unfortunately, this illness is incurable. Though it mostly occurs after the age of 50, yet it is advisable that you undergo regular eye checkups, and the Amsler Grid Test to rule out any possibility.

Test 1:
  • Be in a room with sufficient reading light.
  • Wear your normal prescribed eyeglasses.
  • Place the Amsler grid about 14 – 16 inches away from the eyes.
  • While testing one eye, keep the other eye covered with your palm or an eye-patch.
  • Focus on the dot that you find at the centre of the grid, and check if you see any distorted, blurred, wavy patterns or dark spots in the grid lines.
  • Check if you can identify all the corners as well as the sides of the Amsler grid.

If you find any irregularities with respect to the above observations, do consult your ophthalmologist.

2. Stamina Issues

2. Stamina Issues
It is not advisable for the older population to undertake intense physical activities that can cause any cardiovascular complications. Even if you are not aged, you could perform some simple tests to check your stamina levels:

Test 2:
  • Count your pulse rate, i.e. pulse beats, each minute.
  • Perform about 15-20 squats.
  • Measure your pulse rate again.

If your pulse rate increases by 25%, you can be considered normal. If it increases by a larger margin, say, 30 to 50%, your heart could be weaker, and if the pulse increases by 50%, it is better to consult a doctor and have a checkup.

Test 3:
  • Take a walk up the stairs, approximately four to five floors. You need not rush or run. But maintain a steady pace.
  • After completing the flight of stairs, check your pulse rate.

If the pulse rate is about 120 beats/minute, it can be termed as normal. But if you start to experience palpitations or pain, and if the pulse rate crosses 120 beats/minute, you need to consult a doctor (2).

3. Posture Issues

3. Posture Issues

It is very important to maintain a proper posture. Our desk jobs and sedentary lifestyles have already done much harm to our spinal health, and, therefore, we see so many people suffering from kyphosis or rounding of the back (3). Use these simple tests to determine if you have a curved back.

Test 4:
  • Firstly, put both hands down by the sides of your body and hold a pencil/pen in each hand.
  • If you find the pencils or pens parallel with respect to each other, you don’t have a posture problem. But if you find them pointing towards each other, you are suffering from a rounded back.
Test 5:
  • Take your side or frontal photograph. Now use a scale/ruler to join your shoulder bone and earlobe. If the ruler shows a straight line, you are fine. But if there is a deviation, then your posture needs correction.

4. Respiratory Functions

4. Respiratory Functions

The tests given below are useful in giving you an assessment of how well your respiratory functions are working.

Test 6:
  • First, be seated. Then, take some deep breaths. When you inhale the next breath, keep it deep and hold it in for some time. To track your time, you could use a stopwatch. If you could hold the breath for about 30 seconds (for men, 40 seconds), you can be considered healthy.
Test 7:
  • After a few minutes, repeat the same exercise, but this time, hold the breath after you have fully exhaled. If your average is between 25 to 40 seconds, you are doing fine. Of course, sportsmen and health enthusiasts show better results.

5. Managing A Headache

5. Managing A Headache

All headaches are not same. You can experience headaches at different spots and of varying intensities.

  • If you experience a headache in the frontal side, it could be due to sleep deprivation. So, aim to get more sleep.
  • If you experience a headache in the back of your head, it could signal high stress. You should practice some relaxation techniques to give your mind and body some rest.
  • If the headache appears at the upper portion of the head, it means dehydration and inadequate nutrition. Have a balanced diet and lots of fluids.

These were some easy tests and tips to detect if you could be having symptoms of any underlying health troubles. The best way to keep your health and heart functioning optimally is to have a balanced diet, take up regular activities, and aim for adequate rest. Hope you found this information useful!
