How to Grow your Hair Fast?

Are you craving for those healthy undamaged luscious locks of hair? And nothing you do ever works out? If you are done abusing your hair with heat styling and want to just move on to naturally beautiful strong hair, you can try these tried-and-true amazing natural treatments to rejuvenate your damaged and/or short hair!

A Good Old Massage

How to grow hair fast
Inversion Therapy

Flip your head down and massage every part of your scalp with your fingertips. Flipping your head while massaging is extremely effective since the blood tends to flow down to the immediate layers of your scalp. Do this every day for 4-5 minutes for immediate results. You can even throw in a bit of warm oil when massaging.

Cinnamon Hair Mask

How to grow hair fast
Cinnamon Mask

One of my faves! Mix cinnamon powder with olive oil and bee honey until it is a thick paste. Put on your gloves, part your hair with a pointed-end comb and make sure you cover every inch of the scalp with the mask. You can even cover the rest of your hair with the mask because it works amazing with damaged hair. Leave the mask on for 4-5 hours or even overnight. If you have an oily scalp you can wash your hair with warm water and if you have a relatively dry scalp you may wash your hair with water of usual temperature.

Hair Serum

How to Grow Hair Fast
Grow Gorgeous Hair Density Serum 2.0 oz

You can use a hair serum on top of massaging your hair daily. There is a multitude of hair serum you can choose from nowadays to grow hair fast. Serums such as Grow Gorgeous Hair Density Serum 2.0 oz are effective it you want to see amazing and quick results.

Oils, Oils, Oils

Grow Gorgeous Hair Density Serum 2.0 oz
Oils, Oils, Oils !

Even though some say treating your hair with oils is not as effective as you wish it to be, oils can still be nourishing. You can go for oils such as coconut oil –most effective of all –, extra-virgin olive oil, pomegranate seed oil, rosemary essential oil, avocado oil and jojoba oils.

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