How to Take a Good Selfie?

Regardless to say, selfies are the mainstay of today’s social media platforms and they are not going anywhere at least for 5 years from now. This is because of the fact that selfies are the best way to share your good moments, your updates and your confidence with your friends and peers and that is why you need to learn to take the best one without any hassle.

So, if you are a selfie nerd, take your selfies to the next level using our ultimate selfie guide. Here are our some quick and easy tips on how to take good selfies!


Learning to Take an Ultimate Selfie:

Taking a good selfie needs no rocket science to understand. It is an art that can make you capture the best attention –grabbing selfies.

#1: Capturing a Good Angle:

How to Take a Good Selfie?

When it comes to taking selfies, angles are the things that matter the most. If you know your angles, you will have greater chances of getting a good selfie. Finding a good angle is easy. All you have to know your “good side” that looks beautiful and symmetrical in the camera lens. Angling the camera slightly above your chin will give you a better perspective and a better bust line.

#2: Use Props:

How to Take a Good Selfie?

Props are always the good things to add to capture something new. If you can’t think of some prop, you can show off something new within yourself like a new haircut, a new pair of earrings or new branded sunglasses. Anything bright and colorful is always your way.

#3: Don’t Forget To Smile:

How to Take a Good Selfie?

In order to take a cheerful and fun photo, a sad face or frown will not help. Remember to have a positive attitude in your photos to make them attractive.

#4: De-Clutter:

How to Take a Good Selfie?

When taking a selfie, always be aware of your surroundings. Don’t let the messy room, bed or cluttered car ruin your picture.

#5: Take Variety of Shots:

How to Take a Good Selfie?

Take a variety of shots and time to capture your selfies. This way you will have options to choose from.

Strike a pose and be confident! With these tips, you are going to have alluring selfies of your own!
